Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Tips to Convert Abandoned Carts

One of the most frustrating aspects of running an e-commerce operation is the dreaded abandoned cart. Almost 70 percent of shoppers will browse apps and websites only to leave without making a purchase. Some are simply window shopping, but others may abandon those items because they lost interest or decided to check on a competitor.

All is not lost! Try these tips to get those customers back and convert abandoned carts.

Take Advantage of Notifications

Whether customers browse online or within an app, notifications are a great way to re-engage. In app notification messages can alert users of the items they have yet to purchase. Meanwhile, web push notifications can remind them of the products they viewed long after they left your shop.

Notifications have a greater impact than most messaging alternatives. They occur in real-time, helping you minimize the gap between abandonment and lost interest. Delivering notifications at the right time can reignite interest and encourage those shoppers to return.

Send Personal Emails

In addition to sending an in app notification, consider traditional email outreach. Avoid generic message blasts. Instead, send personalized notes to remind them of the items they liked.

You can send some extra information about the items they abandoned, provide user reviews to reassure them of the product's quality or even provide a small discount. There are many reasons shoppers don't take steps to finalize a purchase. Easing those worries through personal email outreach may be the solution they need.

Create a Friction-Free Checkout Experience

Here's a tip that can make all the difference. For some shoppers, challenges during the checkout process force them to second-guess the purchase. The longer it takes to check out, the more time to back out.

Make things as easy as possible for your customers. Offer guest checkout options to eliminate the barrier of sign-in screens. You can always invite customers to create accounts later.

Then, provide as many payment options as you can. Focus on major card companies, digital wallet services and commonly used e-commerce platforms like PayPal. Avoid hidden fees and reduce the number of steps to finalize a purchase. Improving the user experience can significantly reduce abandoned cart rates and maximize conversions.

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