Saturday, January 14, 2023

What Are App Icon Notification Badges Used For?

If you’re like most people, you have a lot of apps on your smartphone, and most of them provide notifications of some type. In the past, notifications were sent to the system UI so that your device alerted you to the presence of notifications.

While this notification method works, it can also clutter up your drag-down menu if you have a lot of notifications at once. It can also take longer to sort through notifications using this method, meaning you may not notice important notifications from the apps you use the most.

Notification App Badges Can Help

One way that developers have solved these problems is through the use of app icon notification badges. Put simply, an app notification badge is just an altered version of an app’s icon on your screen. In most cases, an app notification badge will look the same as the regular app icon, but when you have notifications from that particular app, the icon will display some type of symbol to alert you to the presence of notifications.

Numbering Notifications

One reason this method of notification works more efficiently than previous solutions is that app notification badges can include not only a visual alert but also a number showing you how many notifications you have. This can help you prioritize which apps to check first when you have multiple apps with notifications.

Additionally, adding a number display to an app icon when you have notifications can let you know if you’re going to need some extra time to go through your notifications. If you’re having a messaging conversation through a chat app, and you notice you have 20 notifications after putting your phone down for a while, you can know that you’re going to need to set aside some extra time because you now have 20 messages to go through.

Creating Notification Badges for App Icons

Creating a notification badge is fairly simple, and it usually entails adding a simple alteration to your existing app badge icon. You can make your notification badge look however you would like, but app stores and smart device operating systems may place restrictions on how you can use these types of alterations.

Read a similar article about personalized customer messaging for eCommerce here at this page.

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