Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Guide to Improving Your Messaging Strategies

Your messaging to your customers and consumers, in general, can have a huge impact on business success. How you position your marketing messages and branding affects everything from brand value perception to brand authority. On top of that, your messaging can also impact your market value in relation to investments and vendor partnerships.

Because messaging is so important, it pays to know how to measure engagement with your efforts, particularly when it comes to customer engagement. Having the ability to measure engagement can show you where message strategies are paying off and where more work needs to be done.

If you aren’t sure how to measure customer messaging engagement, below are some tips:

Use Social Media

Social media has become one of the most efficient tools in the quest to determine how to measure customer messaging engagement. Through social media, you can actively see engagement taking place, often in real-time. Everything from likes and shares to actual comments and direct messages can show where a messaging strategy is paying off and where it is failing to gain traction.

Take Advantage of Stories

Telling customers about your brand is important, but the messaging behind your brand is what compels people to make purchases. Your messaging can benefit from taking advantage of stories, and the stories you tell about your brand need to resonate.

Simply telling customers about the history of your brand is one thing, but you’re more likely to make an impact by sharing the emotion behind the moment your company was founded. Or the social change that occurred as the result of a product or service your company has introduced.

What’s Your Goal?

Stating a goal can let customers know what your company is all about, but the messaging you use to state this goal is what can make a big difference in value perception. If your stated goal is to become the trusted leader in your industry, customers won’t care because there’s no vested interest.

If, however, your stated goal is to become the partner customers can count on for honest advice and friendly customer service that is unmatched in your industry, this may resonate on a deeper level and cause customers to be more receptive to your messaging.

Read a similar article about text messaging software here at this page.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

The Difference Between Group Message vs Bulk SMS

SMS marketing is becoming an increasingly common way to keep customers engaged. However, your approach to text-based marketing matters. Group and bulk texting are fantastic ways to reach multiple customers simultaneously, but these strategies offer very different benefits.

In this blog, we'll break down the differences between group and bulk texting so that you can decide which approach is right for your business.

Group Messages

There's a good chance that you've been a part of a group message at some point in your personal life. Group messaging is when you send out a text to three or more recipients. Most mobile devices and carriers offer group messaging features built right in, so there's no need to download additional software.

Generally, the limit is 10 to 30 recipients. When you become part of a group message, you're added to a single thread. That means everyone can see responses and communicate in one shared conversation.

This text strategy is limited, but it can work if you have a small number of recipients.

Bulk Messages

Bulk messages, also known as mass messages, can text thousands of users in one go. It requires special software and service to achieve. However, it's more straightforward and has a much broader reach.

Another big difference between bulk texts is that every conversation is separate. Instead of being added to an enormous thread, the chat is private. Any replies you get from recipients convert to a one-on-one discussion.

Which is Better?

The best way to look at group messages vs. bulk SMS is to view it as personal vs. professional.

Group messaging is a great way to chat with friends and family. Because you can't include more than 30 people, it's not a viable choice for businesses. Plus, open conversations can create privacy issues.

Bulk text messaging is ideal for business applications. You can send out appointment reminders, promotional texts, and more to thousands of people in one go. It has a broader reach and is more private for recipients. The only downside is that users must opt-in to receive text messages.

Using SMS to Keep Users Engaged

SMS marketing is a valuable tool to have in your arsenal. It's more personal than emails and reaches users in minutes. Compared to other forms of marketing, SMS boasts high engagement and impressive ROI.

Read a similar blog about SMS services tool here at this page.

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