Sunday, May 29, 2022

How to Recover Abandoned Carts

Just like in physical retail, abandoned shopping carts on a store’s e-commerce platform mean lost sales. Carts can get abandoned for any number of reasons, and unless you’re willing to put in the time and research, you may never know why you’re dealing with cart abandonment.

Thankfully, there are some proven ways to improve cart recovery. By drawing customers back to an abandoned cart, you stand a better chance of completing the sale while also demonstrating to the customer that you care about their experience with your brand.

Use Push Notification Apps

One way to recover abandoned carts is to utilize push notification apps. Push notifications allow customers to opt to receive instant communications from your site. Then, when a cart is abandoned, your notifications can automatically be sent to alert the customer. Push notification apps are available for a number of different popular platforms, including Shopify.

A push notification app for Shopify gives customers the ability to pick right back up where they left off, and this is really beneficial when a shopping experience was interrupted by a phone call or something else that took a customer’s attention away from the checkout process.

Send Out Reminder Emails

If you don’t want to use a push notification app for Shopify or a related platform, you can always simply rely on reminder emails. These can be set up through conversion tracking software to automatically be sent after a certain period of time has gone by after a cart has been inactive. Emails may be a slightly less obtrusive way to go about recovering shopping carts while still accomplishing the same goal.

Include Information About Items in the Cart

No matter how you remind a customer of an abandoned cart, consider including pictures of items in the cart. This serves a few purposes in that it reminds the customer about the cart, it brings the items to the forefront of their mind, it gives them a concrete reason to come back and it provides a visual reminder that is harder to ignore compared to a generic text reminder.

Read a similar article about browser push notifications for ecommerce here at this page.

Monday, May 2, 2022

The Basics of SMS Marketing

The days of single-channel marketing strategies are long gone! To reach consumers, you have to take advantage of the technology you use most.

That's where SMS marketing comes in. This unique form of marketing reaches your audience in real-time, increasing overall engagement.

Want to learn more? This SMS marketing guide will cover need-to-know basics.

What Exactly is SMS Marketing?

To put it simply: SMS marketing is sending messages to customers and potential customers via text. It's like email marketing but much more direct and personal. Most people have their smartphones on them at all times, so it often leads to engagement figures.

This type of marketing is opt-in. That means that recipients must subscribe to receive marketing messages.

Types of SMS Marketing

SMS marketing strategies are unique. You can't bombard your customers with sales texts multiple times a day. That's a quick way to get them to opt-out!

The key is to provide relevant information that they can use at the moment! For example, you can send personalized promotions only available to them. Address your customers by name, and there's a better chance you'll leave a lasting impression.

SMS marketing is also fantastic for sending information about unique offers or timed discounts. You can also use it to encourage shoppers to complete surveys.

Your marketing efforts can also continue after a shopping experience. Customer service-based messaging can build brand loyalty and encourage continued engagement. For example, you can use the technology to send order confirmations, tracking information, updates, and more.

SMS Marketing Tips

No SMS marketing guide would be complete without some best practices.

The most important thing to do is provide clear instruction about opting out. If you're not careful, text messages can get annoying very quickly. You want to give them an option to stop receiving your messages. In many cases, that's a legal requirement.

Keep your messages short, sweet, and to the point. You can include sales-focused language, but make sure to identify yourself and make things personal.

Finally, be mindful of the time and frequency you send marketing messages. No one likes texts that look like spam!

Take Advantage of SMS Text

If you're not using SMS marketing, you're missing out. This marketing channel is ripe with opportunity. Stick to the tips we gave, and you're bound to see success!

Read a similar article about message analytics here at this page.

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