Friday, January 28, 2022

Bayesian A/B Testing: A Powerful Reasoning Model

A/B testing goes hand-in-hand with every marketer’s CRO strategy. Being a marketer or a CRO practitioner, you can’t underrate the value of embracing a culture of experimentation in your organization. Yet, finding an optimal variation to achieve higher conversions has remained a persistent challenge for online businesses throughout read more

The Basics of Segmenting Your Messaging Audience

Any messaging campaign should deliver relevant information that captures attention and keeps your audience engaged. That sounds easy enough, but you have to remember that every customer has unique needs and expectations.

What works for a dedicated customer isn't going to cut it for a relatively new lead. So, how can you target customers to provide impactful messaging each time? The solution is to segment your audience.

What is Segmented Messaging?

Segmentation is the act of separating customers into specific groups with shared characteristics. In many cases, customer engagement platforms will allow you to use simple tags and descriptors to designate each contact in the appropriate group. Some even automate the process for you to simplify things.

Contrary to popular belief, segmentation isn't tricky. It's a straightforward task that most modern messaging platforms can already do.

How Can You Segment Customers?

Segmented messaging is surprisingly flexible. You can use various factors to put your customers in the right group. Some of the most commonly used tags involve usage or engagement.

For example, you can send separate messages on how much interest a customer showed in the past. When was the last time they engaged with your company? How long did they spend on your site? Answers to those questions make all the difference.

The same goes for other markers like location, general interests, and more. The beauty of segmentation is that you can easily separate customers into groups that cater to your business.

Segmentation in Action

So, how does segmentation work after the fact? The truth is that segmenting your audience is an ongoing thing! It takes time, and things will change as you go.

The good news is that you don't have to wait to get started. Whether you're a small business with only a few hundred contacts or a massive corporation with thousands, it's never too late to start segmenting. It can seem like an arduous task at first, but it will help save time and money moving forward.

After segmenting contacts, you can create custom messages that appeal to their needs. Filter customers with a few clicks and create the perfect campaign that sticks!

Read a similar blog about SMS services tool here at this page.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Types of Push Notifications: A Brief Overview

Push notifications offer an innovative way to market your business and connect with customers. With the best mobile notification solution, you can get the ultimate flexibility in engaging your audience. Here's a quick rundown of the types of push notifications you can send.

Informative Notifications

This type of notification is the most common. As the name would imply, the goal is to provide helpful information. That could come in the form of a reminder, an alert, a technical update, and more.

Motivational Notifications

If users haven't engaged with your app in a while, a motivational notification can encourage them to come back. Also known as a catch-up notification, it reminds your audience why they use your app in the first place. The message could praise them on past accomplishments, congratulate them on their progress, and provide a quick note to open the app and perform a task.

Location-Based Notifications

Geolocation notifications send alerts whenever a user enters or exits a set location. Perfect for restaurants, stores, and dating platforms, these alerts can provide alerts in real-time, giving users messages that benefit them at the moment.

Promotional Notifications

Here's an option that marries conventional marketing with push notifications technology. Applicable to various apps, promotional alerts encourage users to purchase during exclusive sales periods.

Recurring Notifications

A recurring notification gets pushed on a set schedule. You can provide messages at specific times and dates, making it easy to market around events.

Creative Notifications

The purpose of a creative notification is to keep audiences engaged. It can include an entertaining message, odd trivia, a funny piece of media, and more. There's no rhyme or reason as the priority is to stand out.

Order Notifications

If a customer makes a purchase, you can use order notifications to keep them updated through processing and shipping.

Rating Notifications

Finally, we have rating notifications. This is a message to provide feedback and leave a rating on the app store.

What Push Notifications Will You Use?

The best mobile notification solution will help you create these notifications and so much more. As a whole, push notifications are flexible enough to meet your company's needs no matter what they are.

If you are looking for a push notification tool, visit this website.

3 Important Metrics You Should Look at for Your Business Website

Despite the power of social media in connecting with customers these days, your brand’s website is still a vital piece of the puzzle for att...